Active Mobility Training

Mobility is the ability to move a joint actively through its range of motion expressing strength and control.

Strength requires a sturdy foundation of mobility.

If you don’t have enough mobility to move into a position like a squat, you’ll unknowingly opt for poor mechanics to make it happen. These are known as compensations.

Compensate long enough, and you can develop imbalances, stiffness, pain, and maybe injury.

Are you scared yet?

You should be. (kidding)

Mobility training is a game-changer for many people and is works best using a timer to measure work and rest sets accurately.

People try to mentally “count” the seconds under tension during mobility drills, and it’s a mistake. First, rarely is your mental cadence the same as real-time. Second, your high sophisticated monkey brain is only capable of doing one task at one time (despite best efforts to multi-task).

You’ll get better results from applying complete focus on the mobility drills while you’re in the moment.

Using the LastTimer App, you can “set it and forget it.”

Here’s an example of a simple mobility session:

1-minute per exercise (each side) of:

Working through this list of mobility exercises will take 11:40 min/sec.

Following a timer puts the focus where it matters most: body position, tempo, and tension.

When the timer sounds, work! When the timer goes off again, rest! Get set up for the next exercise.
